I know...I know...this looks like a lot but it really is quicker & easier than it looks. Give it a try!! Part the hair down the middle. Do 3 pig tails on each side, trying to make them as even as possible with each other. Grab a small chunk out of the pigtails & criss cross them. (if you look...
Friday, 29 August 2008
Thursday, 28 August 2008
dOubLe WaTerFaLLs
I've done the waterfall before with nothing else on it but the one pony tail. This time, I did 2 with the climbers going up. I parted the front of the hair on a slant & then kept it going straight down the middle. Do tuck under knots, climbing up, instead of going down. Do 3 in a row. The 3rd one...
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
piggies into a pony
This was really easy & stays together all day long. Part the hair straight down the middle but do your pigtails a little more forward & on the side than what you normally would. Do a puffy braid with elastics half way down the piggy tail. Do it on both sides. I alternated with a light pink...
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
Side Fish Tail
If you don't remember how to fish braid, you can click on the link to the right that says Fish Tail Braids & it explains how on both posts. Start by dividing the hair in 3 sections & add your elastics. Begin fish tail braiding the first section. Once you get to the middle section, begin including...
Monday, 25 August 2008
Double Criss-Crossies
If you click on this picture, it will enlarge it so you can get a better view. We went to the lake just over a week & I did this on her & it was perfect - because it stayed exactly like this - all day long, even when she swam in the water. It stayed out of her face good. I don't have step by...
Friday, 22 August 2008
2 low pig-tail braids
I think this makes her look older - but it's so cute. I normally do her hair damp, but with this one, I totally dried it before hand. Then I added polmade, like usual. I pulled her bangs (pretend bangs) back & ratted it under neath to give it a little more volume. Then pin the bangs back. Then I...
Thursday, 21 August 2008
2 Simple Braids
This is about as easy as it gets. I've seen this around on bigger girls & thought it would be cute on her. It's nice because it keeps her hair out of her face but you can still leave the hair down. Just part the hair straight down the middle & do a small braid on each side. Easy, right? &...
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
Puffy Braid Headband
Her hair on the sides gets really thin, so to do this, take SMALL chunks to make it work, if your girlie's side are thinner too. For me, it was easiest to start in the middle & go off of that part. Part a small square section right in the middle & add your elastic. Add your second elastic, by...
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
Criss-Cross Do
Remember this? Well this time you are going to do that exact same thing just underneath. Part the hair on the side, keeping it on the side all the way down. Clip one side out of the way, so you are working only on one side. Part the hair & pull the rest into a clippie so it stays out of the way....
Monday, 18 August 2008
So start by parting all the front hair up into an elastic, but off to the side. Continue to part the hair all the way down & adding your elastics, making sure with each one you put it off to the opposite sides. And your done. It finishes off to be a side pony at the e...