Over at EVERY LITTLE DETAIL (click on it)they are doing a spring savings. It's her 28th birthday so they're offering 28% off!! It's beginning Thursday, April 30th, at 12:00am MST and lasting until 11:59 MST. The coupon code is BirthdayGirl. So head over there because all of their stuff is DARLING!!...
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Saturday, 18 April 2009
A Little Loose Today
Since the weather has been getting nicer & she's been wearing summer dresses, it's been fun to do cute little loose updos. We were going to a park & wanted something out of her face & it worked. Part half the hair down all the way around the crown. Clip the hair up so it's not in the way....
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Free Giveaway!!
For those of you who are interested: TRINZY is doing a GIVE AWAY!! It's a darling tutu with a set of pink flower clips. Really cute!! If you click on the name & it will take you there where it gives all the info about the giveaway. All you have to do is sign up on their emailing list. So go no...
Thursday, 2 April 2009
soft curls for Easter
This was really easy & quick - the longest thing took curling, which took about 20 minutes for the entire hairdo. So once again, thinking about Easter, I wanted to do something a little more fancy that you probably wouldn't normally do for school or in the week. First, part your headband. I don't...