Tuesday, 26 October 2010

messy bun...for the longer & thicker hair

I've had people ask how to do their girlie's hair in a messy bun once it gets so long & thick. Honestly - I'm not lovin' messy buns with my girlie's hair lately. Her hair is too long for them but time's come a calling when we are in a rush & they still are the fastest thing for me to do. This is a good example - normally - I don't like to do messy buns on one pony tail - it's just way too heavy...she'll even tell me her head is heavy on those days:) So if I do it in 2 pigtails - they usually look nicer & aren't quite so heavy.

So here you have your pony tail you want to make into a messy bun.
Pull it up 1/2 thru & secure with elastic
This is the secret right here: do the exact same thing as that first step. Fold the hair in half again & secure with elastic.
Then depending on the look I'm going for, I will add bobby pins to give it a more messy look - or use rubber bands & do the messy look I've always done. It's that second step that is helpful for those with longer hair.
Here's a front view
Hope that helps. There are some other ways that I also do that I will post later.

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Tuesday, 12 October 2010

my last variation on the rolled braided flower

Who doesn't love wearing these darling rolled flower headbands? {which are super easy to make btw - if you're ever wanting to learn just google them & step by step instructions will show up} This is my last post on the rolled braided flower for hair - for those of you who are sick of seeing this flower!! I've been meaning to post this forever - & I'm really excited to. There are so many ways you can wear the rolled braided flower & this is just another fun way. Also - for those of you whose girls don't like keeping the headbands in all day, {ahem} mine, this is a perfect way to do a foe head band
Do the rolled braid just like we've done in the previous post {if you haven't seen it - scroll down to get instructions - it's just a few posts before this} I then did another smaller one next to it, doing the exact same thing. For the third one, I just did it smaller, between the already there flowers. I tried to overlap it as much as possible over the 2 flowers to make it look close together & it looks better. **When I say smaller - I mean make the braid smaller - not quite as thick.
The finished look. We kept the rest of the hair down. It turned out super cute & was really fun. People actually noticed that it looked like the flower headbands!!