Also - my man graduates college today. After going for 10 years, many degree & school changes he is officially done!! & to add to our exciting week - he won a drawing at work for a 7 day cruise to Mexico for the 2 of us!! Hooray!!
Since I'm in such a good mood this morning - I'll finally post this. It has been in my folders for a few weeks now. Like I said - once this girlie is out of school - hopefully be hanging around here more often.
If you can't french braid - or don't have time - cut the braid on top - but *warning* it adds so much to this & it's darling. This would be perfect for another short hairstyle. Anything with the runners going up is awesome for short hair because it keeps all those straggling baby hairs up.
Once you've got your 3 elastics on each side - start at the bottom & bring them together, in the middle. Take the next section to the middle but include the bottom with it - making your way up.
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